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Delivering exclusive and compelling workshops uniting

yoga, healthy living and wellness.

strengthen and support: low back + core

Strengthening the core musculature is one of the most effective ways of preventing back pain. Combining the knowledge of basic anatomy and movement, with the healing power of yoga, this workshop will aid in developing a deeper understanding of your body and mind. The benefits of yoga prolong well beyond a yoga class.

Guided demonstrations, facilitating the use of poses and props, help to safely protect the spine and alleviate lower back pain. Participants will bring awareness to their standing postures, learn the best techniques to build a strong stable core, and understand how continual yoga practice can prevent back pain.

Offering a unique opportunity to discover the inner workings of the muscles and joints, the connections between them, and the common injuries affecting the hips and knees.

Guided demonstrations, facilitating the use of props, and a focused practice on safely strengthening and opening the hip and knee.

Practitioners of all levels are welcome. This workshop will help bring awareness to those who have hip and knee pain, are interested in a deeper understanding of how the body works, and how the practice of yoga can benefit every aspect of our well-being.

moving mindfully: hip and knee basics

body connection: neck and shoulder

Those with shoulder and neck stiffness, tension, tightness and all yoga enthusiasts are welcome to learn how these two areas of the body work closely together, can be commonly injured and what preventative measures should be taken during practice.

Stop asking yourself, “Am I doing this right?” Knowing your habits is the first step towards change. Let us teach you the fundamentals required to take any practice to the next level and give you the tools to truly understand how postures are meant to be performed.

Master chatturanga. A dynamic pose that builds strength and stability, preparing you for balances and inversions.


Get down dog. Find your true alignment while opening and strengthening the upper body.


Triumph with your warriors. Achieve the full expression of Warrior I and II conquering your own inner power.

realize your chatturanga: exploring basic asanas

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