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Wellness programs reduce healthcare costs:

leading to fewer lost work days due and lower levels of turnover.


Modern employers and leaders understand the unlimited benefits regular mediation practice provides. Mindful mediation allows professionals to make better decisions, and work from a place of balance and improved self-awareness

Certified and experienced meditation guides are trained to provide employees the techniques to reduce stress effectively and promote productivity.


With regular sessions, participants are introduced to several methods of breathing and self-awareness, and are taught how to build a personal meditation practice that can be accessed anytime, anywhere. 

What we offer

Our custom classes are designed to decrease levels of employee stress, significantly improve mood and raise levels of productivity, focus and creativity. 




help your employees function at their best

Over 1 in 4 workers report being highly stressed.

(Health reports, Stats Canada)

Mental and physical health ARE related

Stress related absenteeism costs employers $3.5 billion each year (Statistics Canada 2003)

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